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The Detangler Blog

Ellie Miller Ellie Miller

Strengthening Bonds with Love Maps: Tips from a Baltimore Couples Therapist

Deepening your connection goes beyond knowing your partner's favorite color. Dive into the science-backed concept of 'love maps' from Dr. John Gottman's research. Discover the pivotal role they play in thriving relationships and get actionable tips from a Baltimore couples therapist to enrich your own love map. Ready to explore uncharted territories of understanding and intimacy?

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Relationships Ellie Miller Relationships Ellie Miller

Building Relationship Resilience Through Appreciation: Tips from a Baltimore Couples Therapist

In my time as a therapist, one thing has consistently stood out: appreciation is a cornerstone of thriving relationships. It's more than just feeling good; it acts as a protective layer against life's challenges. From enhancing communication to deepening the emotional bond, showing gratitude can significantly transform your relationship. Dive in to discover simple yet impactful ways to sprinkle appreciation into your everyday interactions.

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