Overwhelmed? I've got your back.

Let’s ease worry and spark self trust.

Feeling so deeply can sometimes be a double-edged sword, especially when it amplifies anxiety.

therapy for sensitive women who want to feel less anxious and more confident.

Online session for women in Maryland & Virginia

can you relate to these super fun experiences?

  • Kind to All, Tough on Yourself.

    You never hesitate to support and empathize, but internally, you're often your harshest judge.

    And of course- blurred boundaries and a weighty concern about others' opinions.

  • Never-Ending Overthinking

    You tackle one worry and, like clockwork, another pops up.

    From over-analyzing past conversations to stressing about the to-do list, your mind rarely catches a break.

  • Nervous System on Overdrive

    Your anxiety echoes in a tightened chest, a lump in the throat, disrupted breathing, and that stomach knot that just won't unwind.


You can embrace your empathetic nature without being overwhelmed by it.

Wanna move towards these fellas ↓

→ Balanced, Steadier Relationships

Without drowning in others’ feelings.

Inner Calm

No more tossing and turning at night, replaying interactions or fretting about the future.

Renewed Confidence

Step into situations without the shadow of doubt, trusting yourself & embracing your intuitive prowess.

Most folks unintentionally make anxiety worse when they try to cope.

I'd love to step in as your trusted ally to help break that cycle.


Anxiety is like quicksand – the more you struggle, the deeper you sink. Together, we'll find solid ground and the tools you need to rise above.


mindful therapy for empathetic women with anxiety


Practical tools & essential mindset shifts to feel comfier in your own skin.


I'm here to provide you with tailored support and guidance, ensuring you're equipped to navigate life's challenges beyond our sessions.

*PLUS * you'll gain access to a treasure trove of ongoing resources and insights that I regularly create based on emerging trends and my professional experience.

The Process In a Nutshell…

  • ✔️ Gain Clarity

    Start by gaining a clear understanding of what's triggering your anxiety and holding you back from your ideal life.

  • ✔️ Cultivate Resilience

    Equip yourself with effective strategies and tools to build resilience, self-trust, and inner calm, so you can face life's challenges with confidence.

  • ✔️ Embrace Meaning

    Discover what truly matters to you and learn how to lead a fulfilling and meaningful life, free from the grip of anxiety.

It's not just a trend. Numerous studies, including one in the 'Clinical Psychology Review', consistently highlight its power to alleviate anxiety and stress, amplify emotional equilibrium, and elevate our overall sense of well-being.

Keng, S. L., Smoski, M. J., & Robins, C. J. (2011). Clinical Psychology Review, 31(6)

Why the specific focus on mindfulness based tools?

“Not only is Ellie deeply knowledgable about how to treat anxiety with mindfulness and compassion, she embodies these qualities.

She has great integrity, and is unfailingly kind, warm, curious and preceptive.

If you talk with her, you will know just what I mean.”


You deserve the care you so readily give to others.

Being there for others is your thing, and you’re awesome at it, but let’s not forget about you in the equation.

Taking a step to get some support for yourself isn’t a luxury; it’s essential.

You’ve earned it, and more importantly- you deserve it.

Individual Therapy → $200 per 50 min session

“Working with Ellie helped me care less about what other people think of me and feel more confident in who I am.”


“Ellie is a kind and gentle human being and therapist! You will feel heard and cared for by her.”



Your friendly, sweater obsessed therapist.

Your natural sensitivity, curiosity and tendency to take on other’s feelings are wonderful, buut…

Those qualities can easily lead to anxiety, self doubt, and self criticism.

As someone who has struggled with anxiety and worked with countless women in the same boat over the last decade-

I’ve seen just how treatable anxiety is. That’s why I get so siked to share tools and mindset shifts that’ll help ease anxiety.


Having a great relationship with your therapist can make therapy more effective.


  • Your friends would describe you as empathetic, curious, or someone who enjoys a good laugh.

  • You’re generally doing ok in life, and not in need of crisis support.

  • You’re ready to try some new skills.

  • You’re open to trying out mindfulness based tools (not necessarily meditation)


What folks have asked before working with me.

  • That makes so much sense.

    If it helps, before starting private practice I polled my friends and family to ask what adjectives they would use to describe me and here’s what I kept hearing:

    non-threatening, funny, compassionate, thoughtful.” Hopefully that helps me seem less scary 🙂

    I also made this article to help ease pre-therapy nerves.

  • At this time, I charge $200 per 50 minute session.

  • Availability is limited.

    Shoot me an email and I’ll give you an update on whether or not I have any slots currently open, or opening soon.

    I don’t offer sessions on weekends or evenings, I’m too busy strategizing how to trick my kids into brushing their teeth.

  • I’m currently totally remote, so our sessions will be video tele-health sessions through a secure platform called Simple Practice.

  • I’m licensed in DC, MD, and VA. So, if you live in any of those places, we should be good to go.

ready to ease anxiety with personalized support?