Name that value.

Values List

clearly put a name to your values so you can live a rich, full, meaningful life.

values list pdf
ACT Values List


Practical ways to infuse your top values into your day.

Action Steps for Value Alignment
Action Steps for Value Alignment
Pick one small step you can take today to move towards this value.



Values List PDF

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  • Reflecting on values helps folks understand their core beliefs, priorities, and motivations. This self-awareness can guide decision-making, increase resilience in the face of challenges, and foster a sense of purpose and meaning in life.

  • This list offers a comprehensive set of values to explore. Some benefits include:

    Self-Discovery: Understand your intrinsic motivations.

    Guided Decision-Making: Align your actions with what matters most to you.

    Enhanced Relationships: Recognize values you share with others.

    Personal Growth: Identify areas of life you want to develop further.

    Increased Well-being: Live in alignment with your core values for greater satisfaction.

  • There are several ways:

    Personal Reflection: Regularly review the list and identify the top values that resonate with you.

    Journaling: Write about why certain values stand out to you and how they manifest in your life.

    Discussion: Share the list with friends or family and discuss each other's top values.

    Goal Setting: Use your top values as a guide for setting personal and professional goals.

    Daily Reminders: Set up reminders or affirmations based on your core values to stay aligned.

  • Yes, values can evolve based on life experiences, age, cultural exposure, and personal growth. It's beneficial to revisit and reflect on this list periodically to see if any shifts have occurred in what you prioritize.

  • By understanding and aligning with core values, individuals can reduce the internal conflicts that may contribute to anxiety. Knowing what truly matters can simplify decision-making and provide a clearer path forward, even in uncertain times.