A Therapist's Guide to Mindfulness & Meditation Resources in Baltimore

We’ve all heard by now about the wonderful benefits of mindfulness and meditation. But just to get you siked, let’s look at a few:

  • Helps reduce stress and anxiety

  • Improves sleep quality

  • Boosts cognitive function and memory retention

  • Increases resilience and the ability to cope with life's challenges

  • Improves relationships and social connections with others

  • Helps regulate blood pressure and cardiovascular health

And the list goes on.

Did you also know that practicing as a group might give you even more added benefits? Check out this data ↓

A meta-analysis published in the Journal of Counseling Psychology found that group mindfulness interventions were more effective than individual mindfulness interventions for reducing symptoms of stress and improving well-being. 

(Khoury et al., 2015)


So basically, practicing mindfulness or meditation in a group setting may give you greater bang for your buck if you’re setting aside time to incorporate more mindfulness in your life. The connection aspect and motivational benefits of practicing with a group don’t hurt either.

Luckily, we have tons of mindfulness based group resources in Baltimore, just waiting to offer you the opportunity to reap these lovely benefits.

And that’s what we’re gonna look at today. I’ve been digging around, learning about and test driving meditation and mindfulness groups, so I can give you a comprehensive list of options to check out!

I’ve broken the resources down into a few categories:

  • In person groups

  • Hybrid in person/online groups

  • Online groups

  • Nature-based groups

*Most of the options have multiple weekly offerings, and dates and times can shift. So, instead of putting specific dates and times, I’ve just included the link to each group’s calendar page, so you can make sure you’re getting the most up to date info!


In Person

Mindfulness & Meditation Groups In Baltimore, Maryland


The Baltimore Kadampa Center

Meditation Groups, Courses, Retreats

Kadampa Meditation Center Maryland is a Temple dedicated to bringing peace and happiness to the world, and to removing suffering, through offering the methods of meditation and modern Buddhism.” (from their site)

The Kadampa center offers tons of different meditation groups, retreats and other events. They even have a program for kiddos!

Where: 900 East Northern Parkway, Baltimore, MD 21212


The Baltimore Shambhala Center

Meditation Groups, Courses, Retreats

The Baltimore Shambhala Center is a wonderful resource that offers a mix of group meditations, courses and retreats.

“The Baltimore Shambhala Meditation Center welcomes anyone interested in the practice of meditation and anyone who aspires to expand the experience of gentleness and nonaggression into all areas of life.” (from their site)

Where: Locations vary per program. Check out the calendar link below ↓


Baltimore Dharma Group

Meditation Groups

“Baltimore Dharma Group offers a place to:

  • learn how to meditate, chant and practice in the Zen tradition;

  • see how these ancient forms can teach us to embody joy, kindness, ease and energy as we practice with a group of spiritual friends -- the Sangha;

  • develop the muscle of awareness and compassion to realize the awakened nature of all beings -- including ourselves -- in the midst of a 21st Century urban landscape” (from their site)

Where: Homewood Friends Meeting House, 3107 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21218


Sedona House

Meditation Groups

“Not just a place to go, but a community to be a part of. The Sedona House is rooted in the desire to create a safe, nourishing space that feels like home outside of ourselves. “ (from their site)

Where: 2087 Druid Park Drive, Baltimore, MD 21211


Hybrid: Online & in Person

Baltimore Based Mindfulness & Meditation Groups


Windhorse Institute

Meditation Groups, Courses, Retreats

The Windhorse Institute is run by Stephen and Yeshe Clarke, two deeply wise, warm and compassionate folks. Go ahead and sign up for whatever they’re offering at the moment. You won’t regret it.

“Windhorse Community was founded to deeply study and practice mindfulness, compassion, and Buddhist psychology.  To bring these into our lives and our world, we offer weekly classes and monthly retreats.” (From their site)

Where: Online and various locations


The Mindful Light

Meditation Group, Mindfulness Groups

Mary Spinoso guides folks in an online meditation group on Sundays at 7 (sign up on her site linked in the button below) and also runs Mindfulness Based Relapse Prevention (MBRP) groups along with Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) courses!

“Many of us worry and get anxious on Sunday nights because of all the demands we face in the week ahead.  Coming together in community and meditating at this time is a great way to interrupt this stressful cycle and learn new mindfulness practices to bring more calm, inner peace and ease into your daily life.No meditation experience required. Everyone is welcome. “ (From her site)


Insight Meditation Community of Washington

Meditation groups, retreats, classes

Founded by Tara Brach, IMCM offers tons of online groups, courses and other helpful mindfulness based resources.

“There is no one central location for our offerings, but rather regional classes and events all over the Washington, DC Metro area, including nearby Maryland and Virginia, and online.

We hold over 150 in-person, online, and hybrid meditation events, classes, and retreats each month, along with Spiritual Friends (Kalyana Mitta) groups and shared experience sanghas offering supportive practice and friendship in community.” (From their site)

Where: Online and various locations


Four Corners Counseling & Wellbeing

Mindfulness Groups & Meditation Group

  • True Confidence, IFS/Mindfulness based group for men

  • IFS/Mindfulness based group for therapists

  • Coming soon- weekly in person meditation group in Hampden!



Baltimore Mindfulness & Meditation Groups


Mira Tessman: Morning Meditation

Group Meditation

Join therapist and meditation teacher, Mira Tessman, for a morning meditation group every Tuesday from 9:00-9:45 AM on Zoom. Treat yourself to Mira’s warmth, wisdom and gentle guidance for a peaceful, mindful start to your day.


Ahimsa Therapy


Join Alicia Barmon- counselor (Yoga Therapist, Somatic Experiencing Practitioner and Adjunct Faculty at Maryland University of Integrative Health) for daily group breathwork sessions online.


Jaime M. Fenton, Ph.D.

Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy Group

Local therapist, Jaime M. Fenton, Ph.D., LLC, runs this Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy group each September and February, check it out!

“Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy is a research supported approach found to be helpful for those with a history of depression, anxiety and trouble coping with stress. This virtual group takes place over 8 weeks, for 2 hours a session. The mindfulness and cognitive skills taught target rumination, and changing our relationship to thoughts and emotions, found to be critical in preventing future episodes.“


Dr. Joanne Vizzini

Mindful Self Compassion Groups

Join Dr. Joanne Vizzini for her online mindfulness based self compassion group. “During the span of 4 sessions you get the opportunity to learn about self-compassion, what it means, and why it matters.”


Outdoor/ Nature Based

Baltimore Mindfulness & Meditation Groups


Center for Nature Informed Therapy

Courses, Retreats, Programs

Check out The Center for Nature Informed Therapy (CNIT), a division of Chesapeake Mental Health Collaborative. They offer tons of wonderful programs combining mindfulness, community and nature:

“(CNIT) is a community of mental health professionals including social workers, professional counselors, psychologists, and mindfulness practitioners who have dedicated their professional lives to the advancement of nature informed mental health work.” (from their site).

Where: Various locations


Nature Worx

Programs, Events

Another option for getting the benefits of mindfulness, connection and nature all in one.

“We go outside to go inside! Participants learn how to develop a relationship with the natural world, gain a fresh perspective on their lives and create a sense of connection to all living things. The Nature Worx program combines elements of mindfulness, meditation, forest therapy and naturalist interpretation.” (From their site)

Where: Various locations


Upward Spiral Wellness

Mindfulness Groups

Certified Nature Therapist yoga teacher and LCPC, Nathalie Savell runs mindfulness based groups in nature to help women and therapists cultivate mindfulness, compassion and resilience. Currently offering 3 groups- they're all six weeks and integrate nature therapy experiences including walking in the woods, as well as group processing and mindfulness practices including:

  • Self compassion and stress resilience for moms

  • Mindfully ease stress and anxiety for women

  • Mindfulness and self care for therapists

Where: Various locations


Phillip McKnight

Mindfulness and Nature Connection Group

“Join us for a rejuvenating weekly Mindfulness & Nature Connection Group, designed to combat stress, anxiety, and isolation.  Certified Mindfulness Teacher Phillip McKnight will guide partipants through mindfulness meditations and intentional nature bonding practices.  There will be a new topic each week relating to mindfulness and intentional nature connection and it’s application for positive mental health”

Where: Loch Raven Park , 24057 Loch Raven Dr, Phoenix, MD 21131


Hi! I’m Ellie, a Baltimore based private practice therapist offering online therapy to empathetic women & couples in Maryland. I help women manage anxiety & stress and couples strengthen their relationships. 

If you want more anxiety tools and tips from my private practice, straight to your inbox, I’d love to have you join The Detangler, my weekly lighthearted newsletter.  If you live in Maryland or Virginia, reach out to see if we’re a good fit for therapy!


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